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Weight Loss Challenge – 10 Tips to Keep Your Diet on Track


Change is hard, to be sure.  But it’s potential.  To create lasting changes which will improve your health and wellness long term, you must first think about why you want to change.

Considering your motivation can help galvanize your solve and also make you more inclined to keep on track says Krissy Maurin, direct wellness planner with Providence St. Joseph Hospital Wellness Center in Southern California.  Lasting changes will adhere for the long term when they come out of “a location of self indulgent and seeking to do what is best for you.”

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Knowing your “why”  is the first step on the journey – that might be long and twisting.  These 10 tips can help you stay on track in following a fat lose and weight loss plan or creating some other sustainable lifestyle changes which could encourage good health.

10 tips to keep your diet on track:

  1.     Reframe your language.
  2.     Plan ahead.
  3.     Prepare for setbacks.
  4.     Make time to get food prep.
  5.     Proceed slow to prevent yo-yoing.
  6.     Keep a food diary.
  7.     Build-in some flexibility.
  8.     Explore other ways of eating.
  9.     Locate Decent support.
  10.     Celebrate your success. 

1.  Reframe your language.

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Maurin notes that “the word ‘diet’ already has a negative connotation tied to it, which will cause some stress.”  You could realize you’ll meet with some resistance within yourself to change due to the intricate associations that come with the language you’re using.

“Let’s be real,” she adds.  “nobody is excited to say,’I’m starting a diet tomorrow.’  However, in the event that you’re able to change your mindset to’I can not wait to begin making healthier decisions for myself personally,”  that can alter your thought patterns and make it possible for you to more openly make the changes you need to.

Janine Souffront, manager and health educator for L.A. Care Health Plan — the largest publicly operated health plan in the state — also recommends altering the way you think about dieting out of “sticking with a diet” to “something like’attempting to consume healthier.’  This helps eliminate the sense of failure when things don’t go as planned, which can undermine your attempts and make you give up”.

Dr. Jason Doescher, chief health officer in MOBE, a guided health services company based in Minneapolis, agrees.  He notes”the phrase’long-term dieting’ can appear daunting and restrictive.”  He motivates people to”think about diet as part of an overall lifestyle change rather than a temporary activity.  The same as remodeling a room in your home, remodeling nourishment behavior and options is a slow, continuous commitment to getting it right and getting healthier every day, week, month and year.”

2.  Plan ahead.

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Lisa Cooper, a registered dietitian for prevention and wellness services in Orlando Health at Florida, says that planning ahead is a key method to be successful when creating lasting changes for health.  “Maintaining your diet on track takes time, knowledge, consistency and goal-oriented plans.”

In addition to focusing on fresh eating behaviors, you’ll also need to take some opportunity to “plan and find out new menu thoughts or preparation methods.”  Create a weekly meal plan to take the guesswork from busy weekday nights and plan for occasions, like kids’ after-school actions or visits out of out-of-town guests, she states.

And shop in accordance with your plan.  “Plan to shop at least once weekly to maintain your pantry and refrigerator stocked with items that encourage your own eating plan.”

You should also develop a plan for those times when you aren’t preparing your own dishes, such as going to a restaurant, vacations or out-of-town travel.  By way of example, Doescher recommends”putting healthy nuts in the car or even designating a water bottle for your car to help spare a trip to a local fast food joint or removing calorie-filled beverages.”

It’s this forward-looking mindset that could make a real difference day to day.  “Anticipating events and pre-planning menus and food options are tools to earn long-term care more successful,” Cooper says.

3.  Prepare for setbacks.

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Losing weight or changing your dietary habits isn’t a linear process, and “there’ll be ups and downs” along the way, Souffront says.

Maurin uses an analogy to describe the bumpy road that dieting can be.  “Imagine yourself as a car.  Your tire goes flat when driving on the freeway.  What do you do next?  You pull over, change your bike and get back on track.  Same goes for our eating plan.  When something causes us to stave off the road, you merely take note and get back on track the very next meal”.

As you route right, she also encourages you to “let yourself some elegance and a great deal of self indulgent when trying to change old habits”.

4.  Make time to get food prep.

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Making healthier choices requires time, and that includes time to prepare the foods which will support your weight loss efforts.  Cooper recommends prepping foods beforehand to assist you stay on track.”

“Either homework foods in advance if you know your weeknights are busy, or allow time to prepare healthy meals every day.  Cutting vegetables, defrosting meats and packaging lunches are examples of important pieces to preparing healthy foods”.

5.  Go slow to reduce yo-yoing.

go slow to reduce yo-yo diet - newstrends

Souffront cautions against yo-yo dieting, a seemingly endless cycle of limited eating accompanied by a relapse into old habits that pile the weight back on.  Yo-yo dieting is not great for your mental or physical health, but it is preventable.

To accomplish this, Maurin recommends starting by “making one to two healthy changes that are realistic in the way you live.  Once you feel like you’ve got those down, add another one.  This procedure continues throughout time and before you know it, lots of your old habits are kicked to the curb by healthier ones”

Souffront recommends simple changes, such as “swapping your daily pop up for mineral water or including a vegetable to your lunch and dinner.  Once this becomes a part of how you eat, then move to another change, like consuming less beef and switching to small quantities of olive oil and vinegar or lemon in your salads.”

Trying to do too much at once can have you reverting to old habits soon.

6.  Keep a food diary.

keep a food diary - newstrends

“Journaling has turned out to be one of the most useful strategies for success when making changes,” Souffront states.  “Track what you eat, physical actions, emotions and note any special triggers to eating when you are not hungry”

Cooper agrees that monitoring what you eat is a helpful method of staying on track.  “Write it on paper, then put in your food into a program or take images of your own meals.  Do whatever is required to have a list of everything you consume.  It makes it easy to look back and see if you’re staying on track and ascertain if possible alterations need to be made to move in the ideal direction.”

By comparison, flying blind or ingesting unintentionally “provides a gateway to ingesting foods that may not be part of your plan.  Logging foods eaten throughout the day provides an instrument to help keep you on track,” Cooper adds. 

7.  Build-in some flexibility.


You can’t be stiff constantly and you have to provide yourself a little space for pleasure once in a while, Souffront says.  “You’ll want to navigate parties and gatherings as we go back to a more social life.  Take a way to enjoy celebratory foods and drinks without overeating or over drinking.”

8.  Explore different methods of eating.

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Souffront notes there’s no one-size-fits all answer to the way to eat for health and wellness, but she urges exploring a “blossom or plant-based way of eating.  It is relatively easy to accommodate how you eat to fit these eating patterns.  The more restrictive a method of eating, the harder it will be to stay with this.”

She adds that being aware of portion sizes can also be very important to sustainable eating.

9.  Find decent support.

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If you can recruit your loved ones or even a friend or 2 to support you in your efforts to improve your eating habits, then that could make the going a little easier.  “Progress isn’t linear, and outside encouragement can help us comprehend momentum and reshape our choices and habits to create a new, healthier’normal’ that defines the results, ” Doescher says.

A workout friend or someone who’ll hold you accountable for making good choices can be a major help when making healthy changes.  “You may also get the entire household involved with fresh foods and healthy snacks,” Maurin states.  “This way you will not feel left and shy out at family meals.”

Professional help might also be a fantastic choice to consider.  “Registered dietitian nutritionists can help you in all phases of your journey to improve your eating habits, ” Souffront states.

However,”remember to do what works for you!  Developing a plan to increase health is not a one-size fits all practice,” Doescher adds.

Beyond this, in case you’ve got a history of eating disorders, body image concerns or find that you’re sabotaging your own weight loss journey, it could be helpful to connect with a mental health professional.

“Consider seeking help from a therapist,”  Maurin states.  “They will be able to let you look deeper in your behaviors toward food.  To put it in perspective, most entirely comprehensive weight loss programs include a cognitive behavior learning course to help shed light on the most typical situations that play out while somebody is trying to change their customs.”

10.  Celebrate your success.

Celebrate your success - newstrends

Change is hard, but it could also be enjoyable.  As you reach new goals, be certain to have a moment to recognize how far you have come.  “Rewarding yourself for accomplishments can make the journey meeting, lending itself to longterm change, ” Cooper says.

“Our bodies and selves are an investment, and an investment in health and pleasure begets increased health and much more joy, so be kind to yourself, ” Doescher concludes. 

This article is based on reporting that features expert sources.



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