Home Fitness 8 Most Popular and Challenging Yoga Poses for Beginners and Advanced

8 Most Popular and Challenging Yoga Poses for Beginners and Advanced

Yoga is a combination of mental and physical exercises that have been practiced for thousands of years. Yoga practitioners all over the world have been hooked. Yoga isn’t a difficult practice. To reap the benefits, you should become a yogi (or yogini). Yoga is for everyone, no matter your age, fitness level, or weight. yoga has the ability to calm the mind, and strengthen the body. Yoga is not something to be afraid of Yoga terminology, fancy yoga studios, and difficult poses. Yoga is for everyone.

8 Yoga Challenge Poses That You Must Know

Yoga poses are the building blocks of yoga. These are great to learn when you start to build a routine.

Frog Pose Yoga

Frog pose is known as ‘Bhekasana’ in Sanskrit. This Yoga poses that open your hips, groin muscles and increases circulation can be beneficial for improving blood flow and posture. After a warm-up, the frog pose can be a great addition to your yoga practice. Included are a few rounds of sun salutations, lunges, or lunge variations that start opening. Your hips are open and you can prepare for the deeper stretch in frog pose.

How does the frog pose (Bhekasana)?

  1. Consider using a blanket or yoga mat underneath if you have sensitive knees.
  2. This position will allow you to relax your knees. This will reduce the pressure on your knees.
  3. Place your hands on the tabletop, palms up, and bend down to reach your knees.
  4. Spread your knees by sliding your hips wider than your hips.
  5. Place your heels so that your knees are in line with your heels.
  6. To point your toes outward, bend your feet.
  7. Now, move your hands forward and place both of your forearms on the ground.
  8. Lift your stomach off the ground.
  9. Place your shoulders above your elbows, and your body weight on the forearm’s hands.
  10. Allow your hips to hang down and relax.

Frog pose benefits

  • This pose is good for diabetics because it maintains insulin levels.
  • It reduces abdominal pain.
  • Frog pose improves digestion. It also eliminates gastric disorders such as gas, acidity, and pH.
  • You can regulate your period by doing the frog position daily.
  • Frog pose is helpful in controlling hormones.
  • It aids in weight loss and increases muscle endurance.
  • It can help with anxiety and stress relief.
  • It can also flatten your stomach.

Avoid this pose if you are experiencing any of these problems

This pose can cause strain to the groin, sacroiliac, and sacroiliac. Avoid these areas if you are bitten.

  • If you have injured your ankles or are weak in the area, avoid this pose.
  • If you have severe back pain, don’t attempt this pose.
  • It is not recommended that anyone who has had abdominal surgery should do it again.
  • This asana should not be performed by people with knee pain.
  • This should be avoided by pregnant women.
  • This pose should be avoided during menstrual cycles.
  • This asana should be avoided by those with heart disease.

Boat Pose Yoga

Yoga enthusiasts and yogis recognize the boat pose as a classic pose to strengthen your abdominal muscles. This pose can be analog to the letter V, an important addition to your yoga or workout routines.

How to do Boat Pose (Navasana)?

  1. Start in a seated position, with your knees bent, and your feet flat on to the floor.
  2. Your feet should be lifted off the ground. At first, bend your knees and keep your shins parallel to each other Floor. This is the half-boat pose.
  3. The natural fall of your torso is normal, but don’t let your spine turn.
  4. If you are able to straighten your legs at a 45-degree angle, but without losing your integrity,
  5. Your upper body. Keep your torso straight so it forms a V.
  6. Shape with your legs.
  7. Straighten your arms parallel to the ground with your shoulders.
  8. Turn your palms up.
  9. Try to balance on your sit bones. It’s okay if you feel a little behind.
  10. These are your best options. To support your balance, focus on raising your chest.
  11. Keep your eyes open for five minutes.
  12. Take a deep inhale and let your legs relax. Next, exhale and then sit up.

Benefits of yoga boat pose

Boat Pose has a wide range of functions. The most visible and effective Boat Pose is when it’s done correctly and consistently.

These benefits include:

  • Stimulates the abdominal, hip flexors, and spine.
  • Stimulates the kidneys, prostate, and thyroid.
  • Stress relief
  • Increases digestion

Avoid this pose if you are experiencing any of these problems

  • Diarrhea
  • Low blood pressure
  • Neck problems or injury
  • Pregnancy

Camel Pose Yoga

You can increase your energy levels by bending down into Camel Pose (also known as Urstrasana, in Sanskrit). Urstrasana is a remedy for slouching. It relieves lower back pain by a generous, heartfelt approach. It is possible to stretch and build confidence.

How to Do Camel Pose (Ustrasana)?

  1. Place your hands on your hips and kneel on the yoga mat.
  2. Your knees should align with your shoulders, and the soles of your feet should face forward the ceiling.
  3. Inhale and draw your tailbone towards the pubis.
  4. You can also arch your back while simultaneously slipping your hands over your feet until your arms are straight.
  5. Avoid straining or flexing your neck, but instead, keep it neutral.
  6. For a few seconds, remain in this position.
  7. Breathe in and slowly return to the original pose. Take your hands off the floor and place them in front of you.
  8. Straighten your body and bring your hips back.

The Camel Pose benefits

  • It improves digestion.
  • It opens and stretches the front of your body. It strengthens the back, shoulders, and neck.
  • It relieves lower back pain.
  • It improves the flexibility of your spine and posture.
  • It can help you get rid of your menstrual discomfort.

Avoid this pose if you are experiencing any of these problems

  • Camel Pose should not be attempted if you have ever had a chronic injury.
  • Knees, shoulders, and neck.
  • Do not force your body into a pose unless it is able to do so naturally.
  • You should only bend as far as your body will allow. You will slowly build your skills with continued practice.
  • Flexibility to reach the pose.

Eagle Pose Yoga

Eagle Pose requires strength, flexibility, endurance, concentration, and unwavering focus.

How to do Eagle Pose (Garudasana) in Yoga?

  1. Move your weight to your left foot.
  2. Your right foot should be lifted off the ground.
  3. Cross your right leg over your left.
  4. Your right foot should be positioned around your left calf.
  5. Place both your arms in front of yourself and bring them parallel to the ground.
  6. Cross your arms so that the left arm crosses over the right. Hook your elbows. Arms
  7. Hooked, bring your forearms together, and wrap your right hand around your left.
  8. Cross your wrists. (If one leg is on top, the other arm should be on top.
  9. Keep your elbows at the same height as your shoulders, but keep your shoulders down.
  10. Keep your ears open.
  11. Your spine should be parallel to the ground and your crown must be raised.
  12. Keep going for five to ten minutes.
  13. Repeat the process on the opposite side.

Eagle Pose Yoga benefits

  • Stabilizes and stretches the calves and ankles
  • Stretch the legs, hips, and shoulders.
  • Concentration increases
  • Increases your sense of balance
  • Flexibility is increased by loosening the hips and legs.
  • Contraindications to Eagle Pose


If you have recently suffered a knee, ankle, elbow, or wrist injury, don’t try this pose.

Bow Pose Yoga

To feel energetically loaded and ready to shoot, bend back into the bow shape.

How to do Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)?

  • Place your hands on the stomach and place your arms at your sides.
  • Place your hands on your hips and bend your knees.
  • Breathe in and lift your chest up. Next, pull your legs towards the back and bring your legs to the surface.
  • Smile and look straight ahead.
  • Maintain a stable pose and pay attention to your breathing.
  • Now your body is as straight and taut as a bow.
  • As you relax into this pose, take deep, long breaths. However, you should only bend as far as your body will allow.
  • Don’t overdo it with the stretching.
  • As you exhale, after about 15 to 20 seconds, slowly bring your legs and chest down to the ground. Relax your ankles. 

Benefits of Bow Pose Yoga

  • It is effective in weight loss.
  • It improves digestion and appetite.
  • This product can be used to treat dyspepsia (obesity), and rheumatism.
  • The cure for constipation.
  • Increases blood circulation.
  • Flexibility to the back.
  • Stimulates the back muscles.
  • Enhance the function of the liver and pancreas.
  • As a stress reliever
  • Stimulates the ankles, thighs, and groins.
  • Menstrual disorders can be treated.
  • Enhance the function of the liver and kidneys.
  • It improves your posture.
  • It can help you get rid of your pain.
  • Asthma and other respiratory disorders can be treated.
  • It is helpful to stimulate the reproductive organs.
  • It is beneficial for diabetes and improves the function of your pancreas.

Avoid this pose if you are experiencing any of these problems

  • The pose should relieve your back pain. If you feel pain, get out of this pose safely.
  • You should consult your doctor if you have any pre-existing neck pain, back pain, or injury to determine if this pose is possible for you.
  • This pose is not recommended for pregnant women. Your weight will shift to your stomach.
  • This pose is not recommended for patients with a hernia or high blood pressure.

Mountain Pose Yoga


Mountain Pose is the foundation of all standing positions. It can be used as a resting position or as a starting point for improving posture.

How to do Mountain Pose Yoga (Tadasana)?

  1. Place your feet apart so that you can balance your weight equally on each foot.
  2. Take a deep breath, lift your arms up above your head and lock your fingers, palms facing upwards.
  3. Lift your shoulders towards your ears. Inhale and roll your shoulders back position.
  4. Relax all muscles of your face, even your tongue.
  5. Relax your eyes and keep a steady gaze.
  6. Relax and return to your normal position.

Mountain Pose Benefits

  • It improves posture, opens the chest, and lengthens your spine.
  • Gently strengthen the legs, buttocks, and thighs
  • It can also be beneficial for increasing awareness and concentration
  • Sciatica relief and reduction of flat feet
  • Relaxes tension in the face

Mountain Pose: Precautions

Mountain Pose Yoga is generally considered a safe position unless you feel dizzy or lightheaded. You may need to take a more stable stance if you’re pregnant.

Half Moon Pose Yoga

Half Moon Pose, which is a balancing pose that combines stability with leg and ankle strength, is a great way to show your support.

How to Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)?

  • Keep your feet together.
  • Spread your legs out and reach your arms up to form a T shape.
  • Your left foot should be turned slightly inward, and your right foot and leg should be turned outward.
  • Inhale and bring your right hand towards your shin. Your left hand toward your hip.
  • Start by bending your right knee. Next, shift your right hand forward and place it slightly to the outside of your foot.

Half Moon Pose Yoga Benefits

  • Stimulates the abdomen, ankles, and thighs as well as the buttocks and spine.
  • Stretches the groin, hamstrings, calves, shoulders, and chest.
  • Increases coordination and balance
  • Stress relief
  • Increases digestion

Avoid this pose if you are experiencing any of these problems

  • Do not turn your head upward if you have neck problems. Instead, look straight ahead and make sure both sides of your neck are equally long.
  • Headache or migraine
  • Low blood pressure
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia

Lizard Pose Yoga

 Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana), is a deep hip opener. It targets the gluteus maximus and hip flexors include the lower back.

How to do Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana)?

  1. Inhale and step your right foot towards the outside of your right hand. Your toes should be in line with your mat’s front.
  2. With your fingers. Your right knee should be bent at 90 degrees and placed above your ankle. Your toes should be pointed out at 45 degrees.
  3. As you inhale, bring your elbows towards the floor and place your forearms flat onto your mat. Spread your palms on the floor.
  4. Your head should be in a neutral, relaxed place.
  5. To keep your left leg active, exhale and press your left heel. This will ensure that your hips don’t drop to the ground.
  6. Take 5 deep, complete breaths.
  7. Once you are ready to let go of the pose, inhale deeply and raise your arms up so that your wrists touch your shoulders.
  8. Take a deep breath and then step back to Downward Dog.
  9. For several deep breaths, stay in the starting position.
  10. To ensure that the pose is equally performed on both sides, repeat the steps with your left foot forward.

Benefits of Lizard Pose Yoga

  • Opens hips, hip flexors, hamstrings, and groins
  • Stimulates the inner thigh muscles of the front leg
  • Release the chest, shoulders, and neck.
  • Preparation for deeper hip openings



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